As I culminate my Education Specialist Degree in Educational Technology (EdS) at Boise State University, I would like to showcase exemplars for each course:
EDTECH 521Online Teaching K-12: eLearning Toolbox
In this eLearning Toolbox you will find a repository for Online Teaching in K-12. This toolbox was essential in ensuring I was prepared to assist teachers with remote teaching. From building a an online environment to assessment tools, the artifacts in the eLearning Toolbox are a reflection best practices for online teaching/learning.
EDTECH 650 Research in Ed Tech: Research Proposal
This research proposal focused on "Personalized Professional Development to Increase Teacher Skills in Blended Learning Technology Applications." This mixed methods study will address how personalized professional development for educators increases teachers’ self-determination with using technology in a blended learning environment.
EDTECH 604 Leadership in Educational Technology: Leadership Reflection Paper
Growing professionally as a leader, I reflected on my personal experiences between leadership as a learned skill and the distinction between management and leadership. Currently, I see myself as a leader through referent, expert, and information power as a 21st Century Learning Specialist at my current school district.
EDTECH 651 Statistics in Educational Technology: Final Project Presentation
In my final presentation for this course, I explained how I would attempt to answer the following question using research methods: "How does personalized professional development for educators increase teachers’ self-determination with using technology in a blended learning environment?" The statistical test used in this study with be a Two-Way Chi-Square test that will test whether AIR self-determination scale results significantly differs from the AIR self-determination scale and the exit interview responses in the perceptions of integrating educational technology in a blended learning environment.
EDTECH 602 Emerging Trends in Educational Technology: Persuasive Paper
The case for eSports to be broadly adopted to secondary schools exists in the merits of creating inclusive environments creating safe and intentional social and emotional learning (SEL) space and opportunity to learn career and technical skills needed in several industries. Secondary schools should capitalize on this growing trend to engage both male and female students who are already playing video games during their own time.
EDTECH 534 Mobile App Design: Reflection Website
This website served as an App Design Website journal where I would blog about my experiences with MIT App Inventor. I would blog every week pertaining to the specific assignment given to us. Check out my journey with MIT App Inventor!
EDTECH 536 Educational Game Design: Game Plan
Using Minecraft, students will be able to complete tasks regarding financial life skills, interview skills and career interest by exploring different scenarios and being to complete a series of challenges in a game based environment. This "Life Craft" game is fully playable on Minecraft and created with two of my peers in the program.
EDTECH 565 Advanced Educational Game Design: Minecraft EDU Esports Arena
Using Minecraft EDU, Christina, Yoonsu, and I create an Esports EDU Esports Arena. As you load up the Esports Arena.mcworld you will need to make your way to the Esports Hub. Fly and look for the “Esports” building and begin there. Inside you will be able to select from 6 different games around computational thinking in a gamified and competitive fashion. With the guidance of a coach (can be a teacher or referee and should use Classroom Mode for Minecraft to manage the game), you will be competing against another team in each challenge. Select your game and let’s get started!
EDTECH 680 Ed Specialist Final Project: Reflection
The Educational Technology Specialist (EdS) program at Boise State University has evolved my perspective on the role educational technology plays in education. As an educator, I was an avid user of technology in the classroom. I embraced technology to help support me in delivering lessons, assessing my students, managing my classroom digitally, creating innovative projects, and communicating with my students. It made me the educator and educational instructional coach I am today. However, my own experiences differ from how many of the educators I support utilize educational technology in the classroom. At times, I question if using too much technology in the classroom can distract students from the goal, which is learning
EDTECH 521Online Teaching K-12: eLearning Toolbox
In this eLearning Toolbox you will find a repository for Online Teaching in K-12. This toolbox was essential in ensuring I was prepared to assist teachers with remote teaching. From building a an online environment to assessment tools, the artifacts in the eLearning Toolbox are a reflection best practices for online teaching/learning.
EDTECH 650 Research in Ed Tech: Research Proposal
This research proposal focused on "Personalized Professional Development to Increase Teacher Skills in Blended Learning Technology Applications." This mixed methods study will address how personalized professional development for educators increases teachers’ self-determination with using technology in a blended learning environment.
EDTECH 604 Leadership in Educational Technology: Leadership Reflection Paper
Growing professionally as a leader, I reflected on my personal experiences between leadership as a learned skill and the distinction between management and leadership. Currently, I see myself as a leader through referent, expert, and information power as a 21st Century Learning Specialist at my current school district.
EDTECH 651 Statistics in Educational Technology: Final Project Presentation
In my final presentation for this course, I explained how I would attempt to answer the following question using research methods: "How does personalized professional development for educators increase teachers’ self-determination with using technology in a blended learning environment?" The statistical test used in this study with be a Two-Way Chi-Square test that will test whether AIR self-determination scale results significantly differs from the AIR self-determination scale and the exit interview responses in the perceptions of integrating educational technology in a blended learning environment.
EDTECH 602 Emerging Trends in Educational Technology: Persuasive Paper
The case for eSports to be broadly adopted to secondary schools exists in the merits of creating inclusive environments creating safe and intentional social and emotional learning (SEL) space and opportunity to learn career and technical skills needed in several industries. Secondary schools should capitalize on this growing trend to engage both male and female students who are already playing video games during their own time.
EDTECH 534 Mobile App Design: Reflection Website
This website served as an App Design Website journal where I would blog about my experiences with MIT App Inventor. I would blog every week pertaining to the specific assignment given to us. Check out my journey with MIT App Inventor!
EDTECH 536 Educational Game Design: Game Plan
Using Minecraft, students will be able to complete tasks regarding financial life skills, interview skills and career interest by exploring different scenarios and being to complete a series of challenges in a game based environment. This "Life Craft" game is fully playable on Minecraft and created with two of my peers in the program.
EDTECH 565 Advanced Educational Game Design: Minecraft EDU Esports Arena
Using Minecraft EDU, Christina, Yoonsu, and I create an Esports EDU Esports Arena. As you load up the Esports Arena.mcworld you will need to make your way to the Esports Hub. Fly and look for the “Esports” building and begin there. Inside you will be able to select from 6 different games around computational thinking in a gamified and competitive fashion. With the guidance of a coach (can be a teacher or referee and should use Classroom Mode for Minecraft to manage the game), you will be competing against another team in each challenge. Select your game and let’s get started!
EDTECH 680 Ed Specialist Final Project: Reflection
The Educational Technology Specialist (EdS) program at Boise State University has evolved my perspective on the role educational technology plays in education. As an educator, I was an avid user of technology in the classroom. I embraced technology to help support me in delivering lessons, assessing my students, managing my classroom digitally, creating innovative projects, and communicating with my students. It made me the educator and educational instructional coach I am today. However, my own experiences differ from how many of the educators I support utilize educational technology in the classroom. At times, I question if using too much technology in the classroom can distract students from the goal, which is learning